Land Stewardship Centre is incorporated
Land Stewardship Centre of Canada was brought to life by Ernest Ewaschuk, Ken P. Gurr, and Dr. David R.C. Prescott who were originally responsible for…

Land Stewardship Centre is incorporated
Land Stewardship Centre of Canada was brought to life by Ernest Ewaschuk, Ken P. Gurr, and Dr. David R.C. Prescott who were originally responsible for designing and coordinating delivery of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) in Alberta.
NAWMP was successful in conserving and protecting Alberta’s wetland resources and upland habitat, but they saw a need to go beyond the NAWMP mandate and expand efforts to include the bigger picture that fosters a stewardship ethic to manage land, air, water and biodiversity to conserve their environmental, economic, social and cultural values.
When the Alberta NAWMP Centre closed, and using the Alberta NAWMP Partnership as a model, Ernest, Ken and David established Land Stewardship Centre to facilitate collaboration, and develop services and resources to inform, educate and enable people and organizations to become better stewards.
Conservation land registry search service finds a home
Land Stewardship Centre has the opportunity to take over a service, provided by the Alberta government, that assists land developers to identify other…
Conservation land registry search service finds a home
Land Stewardship Centre has the opportunity to take over a service, provided by the Alberta government, that assists land developers to identify other land use interests on the same land base. This is the beginning of the Conservation Land Registry and the organization's first official 'program'. This first Registry consisted of a simple database of information important to companies with an interest in land development.
In these early days, companies would contact Land Stewardship Centre and inquire about conservation projects or other agreements associated with a particular parcel of land. Clients completed personalized request forms including information on quarter, section, township, range, and meridian they wished searched and submitted search requests by email. Staff would then manually search the database and return the results of the query on that parcel to clients for a fee.

The Land Stewardship Centre Resource Centre launches
"Land stewardship…because small changes can make a big difference." This was the tagline for the new and innovative online, one-stop-shop for "...educational…

The Land Stewardship Centre Resource Centre launches
"Land stewardship…because small changes can make a big difference."
This was the tagline for the new and innovative online, one-stop-shop for "...educational resources and program information from across North America relevant to Alberta’s landscapes, and brought it all together to make it more easily accessible than ever before."
This 'one-window' online service, contained a wealth of information about user-friendly, land-use conservation practices, programs, agencies and referrals for hundreds of resources – from books and videos to websites.
Canada's first National Stewardship Conference is held
The concept of a “stewardship movement” was perhaps first widely recognized nationally with the Caring for our Land and Water: Stewardship…
Canada's first National Stewardship Conference is held
The concept of a “stewardship movement” was perhaps first widely recognized nationally with the Caring for our Land and Water: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada conference.
Held at the University of Guelph from June 3-6, 2000, the first national stewardship conference to be held in Canada includes conference themes around land trusts and community groups in conservation, working with private landowners, stewardship policies and programs, legislative and securement tools, applying science, local and traditional knowledge, building networks and partnerships, and sustaining organizations.
Conference discussions identify the need to link, integrate and share successes in the newly recognized stewardship movement, and helped develop new visions and partnerships that promote and sustain land conservation and stewardship.
National voluntary sector stewardship workshops held
To address the needs identified at the Guelph conference, a national series of voluntary sector stewardship workshops are conducted across the country…

National voluntary sector stewardship workshops held
To address the needs identified at the Guelph conference, a national series of voluntary sector stewardship workshops are conducted across the country by Wildlife Habitat Canada.
For the Alberta portion of the workshops, approximately 20 individuals and organizations who had been supporting stewardshjp initiatives were brought together for a workshop in Nisku, Alberta that was hosted by Land Stewardship Centre.
Canada's Stewardship Agenda is approved
The approval of Canada's Stewardship Agenda on September 25, 2002, by the Canadian Wildlife Ministers' Council identifies the value of stewardship programs…
Canada's Stewardship Agenda is approved
The approval of Canada's Stewardship Agenda on September 25, 2002, by the Canadian Wildlife Ministers' Council identifies the value of stewardship programs with a national commitment for a Stewardship Strategy and Action Plan, and methods to increase participation by Canadians to protect habitat, contribute to species at risk and conserve our natural heritage, in turn contributing to biodiversity conservation.
National Watershed Stewardship Policy discussions held
National watershed stewardship policy discussions are conducted in five regions across Canada. Land Stewardship Centre hosts the Prairie sector discussions.…
National Watershed Stewardship Policy discussions held
National watershed stewardship policy discussions are conducted in five regions across Canada. Land Stewardship Centre hosts the Prairie sector discussions.
Watershed stewardship groups from across the prairies participate, identifying barriers to efficiency and sharing their needs.
The results of the national discussions are brought forward at the 2nd national stewardship conference in Victoria in 2003 where these barriers and needs are incorporated into recommendations.
The second National Stewardship Conference is a success
Hosted by the Land Conservancy of British Columbia, the second national stewardship conference, Charting a Course for Stewardship in Canada, is held in…
The second National Stewardship Conference is a success
Hosted by the Land Conservancy of British Columbia, the second national stewardship conference, Charting a Course for Stewardship in Canada, is held in Victoria, BC in 2003.
Featuring more than 80 workshops and discussion sessions on topics covering all aspects of conservation and stewardship work, as well as organizational capacity, the conference helps define, from a grassroots perspective, a 10-year vision for the development of a stewardship action plan for Canada.

Alberta's Water for Life Strategy is released
With Alberta facing significant pressures on its water resources, the Government embarks on an extensive provincial consultation process from November…

Alberta's Water for Life Strategy is released
With Alberta facing significant pressures on its water resources, the Government embarks on an extensive provincial consultation process from November 2001 to June 2002.
Following this and a Minister's Forum on Water, Alberta Environment and a cross-government working group, compile the ideas and feedback heard through all levels of the consultation process. They develop a series of recommendations and a framework that would serve as the provincial water strategy.
Subsequently, the Government releases its Water for Life strategy, the vehicle for managing Albertas water resources that outlines commitments to manage and safeguard Albertas water resources. Local watershed stewardship groups are one of three key partnerships listed as important to help accomplish the goals of safe, secure drinking water, healthy aquatic ecosystems, and reliable quality water supply for a sustainable economy.
Setting the stage for supporting watershed stewardship
Released in November 2003, the National Watershed Stewardship Report provides policy recommendations and actions for expanding and strengthening watershed…
Setting the stage for supporting watershed stewardship
Released in November 2003, the National Watershed Stewardship Report provides policy recommendations and actions for expanding and strengthening watershed stewardship in Canada.
It is the key summary document for the National Watershed Stewardship Policy Discussion, a Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) funded project completed in partnership with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). A National Watershed Stewardship Committee was formed to guide the policy discussions and gather recommendations through workshops, surveys, and on-line discussions with stewardship groups in Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario, Prairies and Pacific.
The report describes 22 recommendations with implementing actions for government and community, to expand and strengthen watershed stewardship programs and activities and was used as a reference when developing the initial Watershed Stewardship Grant program.
The concept of a stewardship network gains momentum
Land Stewardship Centre expresses an interest in developing a stewardship network in Alberta and offers to become the administrator of a provincial hub…
The concept of a stewardship network gains momentum
Land Stewardship Centre expresses an interest in developing a stewardship network in Alberta and offers to become the administrator of a provincial hub of the Stewardship Canada Portal currently under development.
To advance the idea, Land Stewardship Centre holds a strategy session to scope out the potential need for a hub as one part of a broader stewardship network.
Two needs were identified:
1. Establish a working group, representative of Alberta's stewardship community to address growing number of provincial and national issues and opportunities, one of which is the coordination of the HUB.
2. Conduct an analysis of stewardship activities to understand who is involved in stewardship in Alberta and what are they doing.
The Alberta Stewardship Network is born
As concerted stewardship and conservation efforts gain traction in Alberta, stewardship groups identify needs that they say can be met through a website…

The Alberta Stewardship Network is born
As concerted stewardship and conservation efforts gain traction in Alberta, stewardship groups identify needs that they say can be met through a website and other communication tools, and a governing body and secretariat to find, connect and showcase stewardship initiatives in Alberta.
The Alberta Stewardship Network (ASN) is established to facilitate information exchange, provide support, and recognize the contribution of individuals, communities and organizations in advancing environmental stewardship on a watershed basis. Land Stewardship Centre serves as the organization's interim secretariat.
The rise of stewardship groups in Alberta
According to Alberta Stewardship Network research, from 2003 to 2005, more than 140 community stakeholder groups are formed across Alberta in response…
The rise of stewardship groups in Alberta
According to Alberta Stewardship Network research, from 2003 to 2005, more than 140 community stakeholder groups are formed across Alberta in response to local watershed issues.
These grassroots groups consist mainly of volunteer stewards who combine first-hand knowledge of their watersheds' issues with innovative ideas to improve their watersheds' health.
These groups are engaged in a wide range of activities including education and awareness, surveys and data collection, demonstration sites, publications and products, research and monitoring, land conservation, protection and restoration, development of management plans, participation in planning and environmental assessment processes, advocacy and policy analysis, and developing partnerships.
A 'watershed approach' gains momentum
Watersheds are slowly being recognized as the most appropriate spatial unit to undertake environmental planning and stewardship delivery. Issues of water…
A 'watershed approach' gains momentum
Watersheds are slowly being recognized as the most appropriate spatial unit to undertake environmental planning and stewardship delivery.
Issues of water quality, supply and ecosystem health are often intrinsically linked to actions taking place within the natural ecological boundaries of these drainage areas, and often go beyond jurisdictional boundaries.

A directory of Alberta stewardship groups is released
Watershed Stewardship in Alberta: A Directory of Stewardship Groups, Support Agencies and Resources was compiled and distributed by the Alberta Stewardship…

A directory of Alberta stewardship groups is released
Watershed Stewardship in Alberta: A Directory of Stewardship Groups, Support Agencies and Resources was compiled and distributed by the Alberta Stewardship Network. Made available in print and on CD, this is believe to be the first effort of its kind to identify not only a list of stewardship organizations by watershed but also the range of stewardship activities being undertaken by local groups in Alberta.
The directory contained contact information and activity profiles for stewardship groups involved in air, land, water, or biodiversity stewardship in Alberta’s watersheds. It included over 125 local stewardship groups, 10 Indigenous stewardship groups, 42 non-government organizations, 96 government departments or agencies, and 13 industry groups. This was the precursor to today's online StewardshipDirectory.com which was revamped and relaunched in 2021.
Alberta Stewardship Network Society is incorporated
"Stewards helping stewards care for the environment." Under the guidance of a steering committee, the Alberta Stewardship Network is incorporated as a…
Alberta Stewardship Network Society is incorporated
"Stewards helping stewards care for the environment." Under the guidance of a steering committee, the Alberta Stewardship Network is incorporated as a non-profit society.
The inaugural board of directors includes volunteer stewards and community-based stewardship group representatives, and individuals from supporting organizations and agencies.
Land Stewardship Centre is appointed as secretariat to administer the Network.
The Watershed Stewardship Grant Program is launched
The first Watershed Stewardship Grant program was made possible by a grant of $100,000 from the Government of Alberta to support watershed stewardship…

The Watershed Stewardship Grant Program is launched
The first Watershed Stewardship Grant program was made possible by a grant of $100,000 from the Government of Alberta to support watershed stewardship groups’ contributions to Water for Life: Alberta’s Strategy for Sustainability.
Administered by Alberta Stewardship Network, grants of up to $5000 are awarded to 24 Watershed Stewardship Groups working to raise awareness of local watershed issues or improve the condition of their local watershed in Alberta.
Grant recipients are chosen on a project by project basis with their activities meeting one or more of the following categories: awareness and knowledge, tool-building, team-building, biophysical and social monitoring, and community-based action. Many projects involved various activities that spanned one or more of the project categories.
Watershed Stewardship Grant program gets funding boost
In spring 2006 Alberta Stewardship Network is awarded $500,000 from the Government of Alberta to distribute to watershed stewardship groups in support…
Watershed Stewardship Grant program gets funding boost
In spring 2006 Alberta Stewardship Network is awarded $500,000 from the Government of Alberta to distribute to watershed stewardship groups in support of community-based projects to help achieve the Water for Life goals. Land Stewardship Centre serves as secretariat for the grant.
Members of the Watershed Stewardship Grant Committee spring 2006 include:
Margaret Glasford ASN Chair
Jeff McCammon Lac La Nonne Watershed and Lake Stewardship Society
Kent Lyle Sylvan Lake Watershed Stewardship Society
Shirley Pickering Highwood Water Management Plan Public Advisory Committee
Petra Rowell Alberta Environment
Ken Lewis Alberta Agriculture and Food and AESA
Ernie Ewaschuk Land Stewardship Centre of Canada and ASN Secretariat
Diana Rung Alberta Conservation Association
Kelsey Spicer Rawe Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society-Cows and Fish
Wendy Devent formerly of Oldman Watershed Council

Third National Stewardship Conference is held
Valuing Nature: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada, the third national stewardship conference is held in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland and Labrador from…

Third National Stewardship Conference is held
Valuing Nature: Stewardship and Conservation in Canada, the third national stewardship conference is held in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland and Labrador from July 5 to 8, 2006.
The conference culminated with a draft declaration, Valuing Nature Conference Declaration, which identified proposed key outcomes for delivery by 2009.
This draft declaration was developed based on the theme papers, sector presentations, a speakers corner, the discussions generated by the presentations and direct input from delegates.
Grassroots News is launched
Volume 1, Issue 1 of Grassroots News, published by Alberta Stewardship Network in PDF format, was four pages and featured updates on the initial Watershed…
Grassroots News is launched
Volume 1, Issue 1 of Grassroots News, published by Alberta Stewardship Network in PDF format, was four pages and featured updates on the initial Watershed Stewardship Grants awarded, the Network's first Annual General Meeting, a municipal conservation initiative, a list of helpful stewardship resources, an announcement of the five stewards picked to attend the National Stewardship Conference in upcoming stewardship resources and more.
This is the parent of today's Grassroots News e-newsletter.
Alberta's Water for Life Strategy is renewed
The renewed strategy better reflects the population increase and economic growth Alberta has seen over the past years, and Albertans' changing water needs.…

Alberta's Water for Life Strategy is renewed
The renewed strategy better reflects the population increase and economic growth Alberta has seen over the past years, and Albertans' changing water needs.
As in the original, the renewed strategy has three main goals:
-safe, secure drinking water supply
-healthy aquatic ecosystems
-reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy
These goals will be met through three key directions:
-knowledge and research
-water conservation
A revamped Conservation Land Regstry goes live
The online version of the Registry was launched in July of 2009. This new and improved, fee-based, search request service includes direct client access…
A revamped Conservation Land Regstry goes live
The online version of the Registry was launched in July of 2009. This new and improved, fee-based, search request service includes direct client access through a simple online interface to access account management, instant searches, past search history and billing management.
It also offers multiple users per account, improved capacity for daily request processing and in-house tech support. At the time of its launch, it contains 200,000+ database records.
The first Green Communities Guide is released
Published by Land Stewardship Centre in 2009, the original Green Communities Guide: Tools to Help Restore Ecological Processes in Alberta's Built Environments…

The first Green Communities Guide is released
Published by Land Stewardship Centre in 2009, the original Green Communities Guide: Tools to Help Restore Ecological Processes in Alberta's Built Environments was developed to be an essential tool to help growing communities plan and implement strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, preserve agricultural land, and protect critical open spaces and wildlife habitat.
Designed for use by municipal planners, developers, community groups and more, this valuable resource featured design and policy tools help restore ecological processes in Alberta’s built environments. Since publication, nearly 2,000 copies of the print version and 800 digital versions have been distributed.

Fourth National Stewardship Conference is held
From July 8-11, more than 400 delegates (320 in-person and 100+ via webcasting) attended the fourth national stewardship and conservation conference,…

Fourth National Stewardship Conference is held
From July 8-11, more than 400 delegates (320 in-person and 100+ via webcasting) attended the fourth national stewardship and conservation conference, Strengthening Stewardship-Investing at Every Step, in Calgary, Alberta. As host, Land Stewardship Centre was instrumental in the organization and delivery of this conference.
Two reports, The State of Stewardship in Canada and A Review of Stewardship Programs and Activities in Canada’s Provinces and Territories, were produced prior to the meeting to generate discussion.
A major objective of this conference was to chart a path forward for advancing stewardship in Canada and resulted in the development of A Stewardship Road Map for Canada report. This road map document represented the final conference declaration and acted as a catalyst for a meeting that was held in Ottawa to begin action on the recommendations from the report.
ASN merges with Land Stewardship Centre
Faced with uncertain financial support from government and other stakeholders to fund programs and operations, and limited capacity and ability to continue…
ASN merges with Land Stewardship Centre
Faced with uncertain financial support from government and other stakeholders to fund programs and operations, and limited capacity and ability to continue to grow and deliver relevant and timely programs and services to Alberta’s stewardship community, the Alberta Stewardship Network ceases operations as an independent entity.
Under a new model, the Alberta Stewardship Network and the Watershed Stewardship Grant Program become complimentary programs delivered by Land Stewardship Centre.
A bigger, better Conservation Land Registry goes live
Client and user feedback is incorporated into the development of new features and version 2.0 of the online Conservation Land Registry goes live in October…

A bigger, better Conservation Land Registry goes live
Client and user feedback is incorporated into the development of new features and version 2.0 of the online Conservation Land Registry goes live in October of 2011.
This new and improved online system includes more data for clients and provides staff with a more robust system that can be individualized for clients' specific needs, including accounting and billing modifications.
Planned future enhancements for this important online fee-for-service tool include integrating an on-line payment option.

Water for Life progress report released
This report highlights a selection of the activities, programs and tools being pursued under the Water for Life strategy within the time frame of December…

Water for Life progress report released
This report highlights a selection of the activities, programs and tools being pursued under the Water for Life strategy within the time frame of December 1, 2008 to March 31, 2011.
The report identifies how Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils, watershed stewardship groups, and lake stewardship groups have incorporated source water protection into their various reports and strategic plans, are supporting healthy aquatic ecosystems and advancing water education in communities across Alberta.
The report also features a selection of specific projects and activities undertaken by watershed stewardship groups.
A new decision support tool is put to work
Land Stewardship Centre begins working with the Natural Decisions partners in 2011 to put INFFER™ (Investment Framework for Environmental Resources),…
A new decision support tool is put to work
Land Stewardship Centre begins working with the Natural Decisions partners in 2011 to put INFFER™ (Investment Framework for Environmental Resources), an approach to developing, assessing and prioritising activities and projects aimed at addressing environmental issues, to work for Albertans.
The only accredited provider of INFFER™ services in Canada, Land Stewardship Centre, with our partner and INFFER™ developer, Natural Decisions, is bringing awareness and knowledge of this tool to key decision makers, land-use planners and program developers, in an effort to grow the capacity to implement an asset-based approach to natural resource management.
Green Acreage Guide resources and program created
Ownership of small acreages, hobby farms and recreational properties is growing. Increasingly, they are searching for information on how best to manage…

Green Acreage Guide resources and program created
Ownership of small acreages, hobby farms and recreational properties is growing. Increasingly, they are searching for information on how best to manage their properties in a sustainable manner, but there is a lack of resources and support specifically for acreage owners.
Recognizing a need, Land Stewardship Centre undertakes a project to develop resources especially for acreage owners that enable them to develop and implement stewardship practices that help conserve and protect the valuable natural assets associated with their properties.
Following extensive consultations with and input from stakeholders including landowners, muncipalities and others, the Green Acreages Primer and Workbook are developed.
A new online Stewardship Directory is launched
Drawing inspiration from the original Watershed Stewardship Directory, Land Stewardship Centre develops a new and easy to use, online Stewardship Directory.…
A new online Stewardship Directory is launched
Drawing inspiration from the original Watershed Stewardship Directory, Land Stewardship Centre develops a new and easy to use, online Stewardship Directory.
This Directory - stewardshipdirectory.com - is intended to help community stewardship groups, organizations, businesses and government find and connect with each other in order to share their experiences and lessons learned in stewardship and natural resource management.
It is also positioned as a quick and easy way to get stewardship-related groups, organizations and businesses noticed on the web.
A new and innovative collaboration is formed
In 2015, when fellow non-profit Nature Alberta was seeking a new Executive Director, an opportunity presented itself for the two organizations to work…
A new and innovative collaboration is formed
In 2015, when fellow non-profit Nature Alberta was seeking a new Executive Director, an opportunity presented itself for the two organizations to work together in a unique and innovative way, and take collaboration to a new level.
Recognizing a natural alignment between their organizational mandates, from 2015 to 2020, Land Stewardship Centre and Nature Alberta engage in a strategic partnership that enabled more efficient and effective operations and management of both organizations through a shared-services model.
Under the arrangement, both organizations remain independent entities, with Land Stewardship Centre providing staff, administrative, operational as well as strategic and program planning support to Nature Alberta.
Land Stewardship Centre joins EcoServices Network
Land Stewardship Centre becomes the official secretariat of the Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Network, welcoming their current coordinator into…

Land Stewardship Centre joins EcoServices Network
Land Stewardship Centre becomes the official secretariat of the Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Network, welcoming their current coordinator into the Land Stewardship Centre family.
Through it's well-established shared-services model, Land Stewardship Centre provides seasoned management and operational support to help further the ESBN’s efforts to advance knowledge of ecosystem services and biodiversity, and the use of market-based approaches to enhance these services.
ESBN is rebranded as EcoServices Network in 2019.

A partnership is formed with Beaver Hills Biosphere
With a shared history and a natural alignment between their respective visions and organizational mandates, Land Stewardship Centre and the Beaver Hills…

A partnership is formed with Beaver Hills Biosphere
With a shared history and a natural alignment between their respective visions and organizational mandates, Land Stewardship Centre and the Beaver Hills Biosphere establish a strategic partnership that enables more efficient and effective operations and management of both organizations through the proven shared-services model.
New, revamped online Green Communities Guide launched
With the changes in technology and innovation in stewardship that have taken place since 2009, and the focus on sustainability including the move towards…

New, revamped online Green Communities Guide launched
With the changes in technology and innovation in stewardship that have taken place since 2009, and the focus on sustainability including the move towards utilizing nature-based solutions to address development challenges in growing communities, there was a pressing need to update the Guide to ensure it can continue to be a reliable, impactful resource for municipalities, developers, real estate professionals and more.
Re-developed and launched in July 2021, the new and improved online Green Communities Guide takes a fresh approach to supporting municipalities and businesses in their efforts to develop land sustainably and reduce the risks of climate change on infrastructure through the implementation of innovative nature-based solutions (NBS).
Online Stewardship Directory gets a major refresh
The redevelopment of the Green Communities Guide into an online format presented an opportunity to refresh the online Stewardship Directory at the same…
Online Stewardship Directory gets a major refresh
The redevelopment of the Green Communities Guide into an online format presented an opportunity to refresh the online Stewardship Directory at the same time.
A handy companion to the new Guide, the new online Stewardship Directory doesn't just connect people and organizations, it helps foster an environment in which organizations, businesses, community stewardship groups and all levels of government can work together collaboratively to achieve sustainability on the landscape.

Land Stewardship Centre celebrates 25 years
2021 marks an important milestone anniversary for Land Stewardship Centre. Learn more about the three individuals who founded the Centre and established…

Land Stewardship Centre celebrates 25 years
2021 marks an important milestone anniversary for Land Stewardship Centre. Learn more about the three individuals who founded the Centre and established the foundation of the organization’s stewardship legacy that has continued for 25 years.