Originally published by Land Stewardship Centre in 2009, the first Green Communities Guide was developed to be an essential tool to help growing communities plan and implement strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, preserve agricultural land, and protect critical open spaces and wildlife habitat.
Revamped in 2021, the new, online Guide is an essential tool to help communities plan and implement nature-based solutions and strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, preserve agricultural land, and protect critical open spaces and wildlife habitat.
The Evolution of an Asset
Originally designed for use by municipal planners, developers, community groups and more, this valuable resource featured design and policy tools help restore ecological processes in Alberta’s built environments. Since publication, nearly 2,000 copies of the print version and 800 digital versions have been distributed.
The original resource had a good run. But with the changes in technology and innovation in stewardship that have taken place since 2009, and the focus on sustainability including the move towards utilizing nature-based solutions to address development challenges in growing communities, there was a pressing need to update the Guide to ensure it can continue to be a reliable, impactful resource for municipalities, developers, real estate professionals and more.
A New, Dynamic Resource
Re-developed and launched in July 2021, the new and improved Green Communities Guide takes a fresh approach to supporting municipalities and businesses in their efforts to develop land sustainably and reduce the risks of climate change on infrastructure through the implementation of innovative nature-based solutions (NBS).