Seeking New Board Members

If you are interested in sharing your time, skills and expertise as a member of our board, please complete the online application.

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Enabling people and organizations to become better stewards.

Creating Connections

At Land Stewardship Centre, we work hard to create and strengthen the connections between stewards while building a dynamic, engaged stewardship community. These connections are helping us realize our common goal of seeing individuals, organizations and communities embracing healthy, sustainable land stewardship practices.

Building Community

Whether you live in an urban centre or on a rural acreage, we are connected by the land, air, water and biodiversity that surround us. Embracing that connection and learning to use and steward those natural resources wisely improves our quality of life today and ensures sustainability for future generations.

Growing Understanding

We help people understand the importance of responsible stewardship and encourage them to take action to protect our ecosystems. We believe that the more people know about stewardship, the more empowered they will be to become responsible stewards in their everyday lives.

Steering the Ship

Committed people are the key to our success. Get to know the people at the helm.