Meet Our Newest Team Member - Caitlin Hart
The Proust Questionnaire: Caitlin Hart, Content Creator
In the late nineteenth century, answering lists of questions was a popular parlour game among Victorians. French writer, Marcel Proust, answered a list of questions posed to him by his friend Antoinette. Since then, Proust’s answers have been published, in one form or another, for more than a century. Many have used the Proust Questionnaire in various formats, the most notable being Vanity Fair’s version posed to various celebrities.
Taking a break from the typical interview process and article, we’ve put our own spin on the Proust Questionnaire to introduce you to our newest team member, Caitlin Hart, who, as Content Creator, will be putting her writing and creative skills to work generating ideas, and researching and writing fresh and engaging content that helps us tell more of the stories of the people and organizations in the stewardship community.
Hometown? Edmonton
Greatest educational achievement? I was awarded the “Women’s Writing Award” from my department in my fourth year of university
Favorite colour and flower? Yellow, marigolds
Favorite outdoor pastime? Cycling or hiking
Where would you like to live? I’ve always wanted to live in Portland, Oregon
Greatest professional achievement? Hard to pick one! I’ve done a lot of different things in my short career – but being published in Briarpatch magazine and helping open a restaurant are two recent highlights.
Best thing that ever happened to you? It might be weird to say, but the chaos of the pandemic helped me clarify what I want to do with my life, made me closer to my friends and pushed me to finally adopt a cat like I’ve always wanted to do, so I’m grateful for the total upheaval it caused to set me on my path.
Mentors? I have had a lot of amazing mentors in my life – my writing teacher Rax King, my professor Emilia Nielsen and my friend Laura Kruse are the three people that have most influenced and mentored me in my writing and creative work, and inspired me to be the person I am.
What drives you? I’m a very internally motivated person – I try to live by the maxim that your best competition is yourself. I have an internal desire to be a kind, good person who contributes meaningful work to the world.
What do you most appreciate in a co-worker? Someone who is helpful, hardworking and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Working from home, the thing I’ve missed the most about in person work is the conversations with coworkers.
Stewardship philosophy? Right now, just trying to learn all I can so I can apply stewardship principles to how I live every day. My friends and I spend a lot of time in the river valley and in Edmonton and area parks – I want to contribute in little ways to ensuring the natural beauty and health of the river valley is there for future generations.
Reason for accepting the Content Creator position? I have wanted to be a writer my whole life! Getting to put my passion and skills to work in an organization that aligns with my values.
What’s next? Just building my skills as a writer, getting my work out there and one day writing a book of essays.